Tuesday, May 13, 2014

How Do You Recharge Yourself?

How do you keep yourself recharged? Especially at those times when you are not feeling good.
There are a number of ways. One of them is, physical exercise.

Physical Exercise
Whenever you feel lazy, exhausted or emotionally burdened or stressed, just give yourself a physical boost. Turn on Aerobics music and start dancing with it, play a sport like volley ball or whatever you like or just start hopping in your closed room. This will bring back the lost energy and to your surprise, you will feel refreshed and not discharged.

Other method that some people prefer is soothing music or healing music. I usually start a particular kind of music and do my house work. I feel relaxed. This can also refresh you.

You can also write down your feelings when you are drained emotionally. Just write everything down on a piece of paper and throw it away. You will feel really good. Writing works both ways. You can vent out negative feelings and send positive thoughts to your mind and have a better life.

Energy Medicine
You can call up your healer friend and tell, please do something. They can talk with you if possible and also send you healing using their own tools. You will definitely feel better.

One such online and real-time initiative is "The Vitality Cafe" Usually at work or at home, something happens - you fight with someone, you get some bad news and some how there is nobody to comfort you or you do not want to talk with some one you know. The sole purpose of creating this website is easy access to people in need of healing, comfort and refreshment from the negativity around.

Offline Healing
This is one more convenient option at services like these. You can just register yourself. There are a number of websites where they allow adding to free prayer list or distance healing service. One of them is "The Distance Healing Network". You sign up your name and send the problem. Volunteer Healers working on the website will send you healing.

You do not need to talk or face the person. You will be sent healing and informed about the time so that you are in a relaxed position during that time. Thats it! Done! Your problem can be solved in minutes. Sometimes you are refreshed and you will wonder I never even requested for it.

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