Monday, July 30, 2012

Quantum Energetics II Experience

I am back today from a Mystical Experience called Quantum Energetics II.  A wonderful weekend with the power-packed atmosphere having energies of the fellow travellers in the spiritual path.

We all were connected some place or the other and therefore we were together at the same place and time experiencing Quantum Energetics II in Mumbai.

Aditi is a great inspiration for all of us.  I love the fact that she drives her sessions intuitively and that is why we feel it is all our own.

I have learnt lots and lots of wonderful tools throughout the weekend and went on with proper practice in between.  I will have a revision of all today evening.. inshallah and start taking in cases.

I am going to enjoy the journey after this experience... It is going to be amazingly different!

Just to add, Aditi's status on FB today:

Deeply moving and intense experiences, meeting with beings from other realms, allowing old patterns to emerge and watching them disappear, expanding into the unlimited beings that we truly are, opening our hearts up to begin living from heart consciousness are just some of the things that happened in the QE level 2 the last weekend! I am touched, moved and inspired by all those who participated.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Getting Ready for QE II

I am extremely excited for the coming two days in my life. 

Guess what?

I am attending Quantum Energetics II this weekend!

I had attended QE I in May and have been experiencing amazing transformations day in and day out.  I am not sure what QE II has in store for me but I am really excited to go into that energetic environment again and put my intent inside for faster faster manifestation.

I know I have to be very careful in choosing the intent, but I will love the play and Zero Point Field – I am sure about it.

Will definitely be posting on this upon return...

Loving and Playing the Knowledge!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Logging Matrix Energetics / Quantum Energetics experiences

I have been considering to implement this thought since last week. The thought for logging the experiences with ME on my blog or ME message board. But somehow, before I sit and log one experience, I go through another wonderful experience/moment.

ME is one of the most wonderful awareness/knowledge I have come across!

I got a call from one of my friends last night. She was asking me about Matrix Energetics. I was just too much excited to talk about ME with her. I shared some of the funniest experiences and we both laughed a lot.

I shared some of the ME videos that I watch repeatedly and told her that I am planning to attend ME in United States shortly. Just need to go through the processing for VISA, tickets and finance! :P

Loving this consciousness and I am just eager to meet Richard. I just want to hug him and laugh out aloud with him standing beside him. 2 pointing the situation :)

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Balance

I was asked a question yesterday that I could not answer immediately and I had to think on it.  I was surprised at the fact that I could not answer it immediately since the question was “What do you want in your life?”

I have my goals listed in front of me in my bedroom wall.  I read them all, but I could not just say it at the instant.  I thought over it and realized it is because, I am looking for a balance.  A balance between family and my aspirations.

Now the balance is required because, there are more than one persons in the family and everybody has their own aspirations/wishes/desires.  Being a female member, it is expected to support the aspirations of the males – women are the second earners in the family and not preferred as first due to multiple reasons.  It is not fair for women to be considered as the first earner since they have other responsibilities as well. 

Women are expected to change their preference for location of work as per the first earner and if they do not do it – there is no family... I do not want to be a part of such family.

What if the family is expecting her support in fulfilling their own aspirations and are completely unaware of the woman's aspirations in the family?  Do they remain unfulfilled till other aspirations are fulfilled?

I don't know...

This is the question that I am trying to find the answer of.  Of course, for males, it is still critical when their profession is not related to their aspiration, but they do have an option to change the profession.

 A family is a family with a woman – a mother, sister or wife!  Are they even supposed to think about their own aspirations?  The family has to adjust a lot in order to get these done.   Is there any such thing as a balance?  Has any woman achieved a balance between her aspirations and her family?

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Matrix Energetics

I am really moved by Richard Bartlett and I am getting crazy about him as the moments pass.  I have ordered his book and his video has just torn me into pieces.

Matrix Energetics is one of the most significant discoveries of this age and this is the movement that will be causing the collective shift in consciousness.

I would really want to meet him some day in person.  Here is the video that I enjoyed.!

Enjoy it and just fall in LOVE!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Quantum Energetics

I recently attended a Level 1 workshop on Quantum Energetics and for the first time in my life I found any workshop to be so much wonderful!

I was attracted towards it because I read that it was based on principles of science, which really thrilled me from inside.

Mrs. Aditi Surti is a very powerful and funloving person.  She teaches and plays.  We would love to be around her.  I would love to be like her someday...

I had read a lot about vibrations, thought frequency and how they affect us in our daily lives.  Some of the raw forms of these would be law of attraction and so on...  Attending the workshop was the practical demonstration of whatever I have read through years – double negation theory, freewill, illusions, reiki, pranic, Tao, quantum physics (dual nature of electron!), law of vibration and similar other things...

I am eagerly waiting for level II to be announced so that I can enroll for it.  Somewhere inside I had a belief that life is all about having fun with it.. and now I can prove it. ;)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Taking a NEW turn in life

Learning a lot with this life using its various experiences, I have come at a stage now where I have taken a decision that is giving life a new face and phase.  I call it a NEW turn!

I have not yet disclosed this decision to most of my close friends, but soon I will do it.  This would be one of the best decisions in my life.  I really want to write more, but need proper environment.  Hope to do it soon...

Sunday, April 29, 2012

What matters?

I have been inclined to think since morning today that what actually matters?  I had some communication with my parents in the morning today and I was a bit shocked listening to a few sentences.  It really matters for me what my parents think about me and it really hurts when I come to know that their thinking is not the right one.

I know this is a wrong perception.  All it should matter is what I think about myself.  I know being selfish and self-centered are two different things.  But right now, I am really hurt.

Looking at the lack of confidence of my parents in me and their doubtful thinking about my future has really hurt me.

God.. I need the best out of this situation.  Please.. please.. please.. there has to be some way out!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Close to Perfect Day!

I am really happy for the beginning of this day.  The day is a sort of perfect or say "my ideal" day.

I had proper sleep, meditation, exercise, breakfast and still a lot of time!!  I love myself when I am capable of managing like this.

I would wish I can manage future days happily too.

I am not sure what is coming up for the rest of the day.  But looking at the beginning, it sure sounds wonderful!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wisdom and Intelligence triumph over Fear and Doubt

This is one of the statements that I had in my I-Ching today.

When wisdom and intelligence triumph over fear and doubt then danger is avoided and the situation will resume powerful development. Let this be a lesson (I-Ching)

I found this particular statement relate me the best in t his situation and so I posted this as my status on Facebook.  The sentence has made me think so much that I have started writing a post on this too.

I have experienced this triumph lately and believe me this is just a great feeling.  Something that really makes you on top of the situation and just calm.  There is a lot of chaos and uncertainty around  me at the moment.  I can see people troubled because of various reasons (some of them blamed on me too!).  But for me, at the moment, there is no trouble because of this victory.

I wish everybody gets a chance to experience this at least once in their lives.

Friday, March 30, 2012

SufiSpot - Sufism, Spirituality and Personal Struggles: My Dear Friend

SufiSpot - Sufism, Spirituality and Personal Struggles: My Dear Friend: “In Persian, there are four levels of friendship each relating to a degree in closeness and intimacy: Aashenaa (to know someone casually), D...

I just loved the post.  I am copying and pasting it here.

“In Persian, there are four levels of friendship each relating to a degree in closeness and intimacy: Aashenaa (to know someone casually), Doost (a close friend), Rafeegh (your best friend) and Yaar (your inseparable lover). However, these levels are independent of the type of physical connection you have with someone. These degrees of closeness explain your deep soul connection with another being; your spouse, therefore, may only be your Aashenaa, or you may have a perfect platonic relationship with a Yaar. Some mystics measure their intimacy with God and the Beloved by using these levels.

My dear friend
never lose hope
when the Beloved
sends you away.

If you're abandoned
if you're left hopeless
tomorrow for sure
you'll be called again.

If the door is shut
right in your face
keep waiting with patience
don't leave right away.

Seeing your patience
your love will soon
summon you with grace
raise you like a champion.

And if all the roads
end up in dead ends
you'll be shown the secret paths
no one will comprehend.

The beloved I know
will give with no qualms
to a puny ant
the kingdom of Solomon.

My heart has journeyed
many times around the world
but has never found
and will never find
such a Beloved again.

ah I better keep silence
I know this endless love
will surely arrive
for you and you and you

What draws friends together
does not conform to Laws of Nature.
Form doesn't know about spiritual closeness.
If a grain of barley approaches a grain of wheat,
an ant must be carrying it. A black ant on black felt.
You can't see it, but if grains go toward each other,
it's there.

A hand shifts our birdcages around.
Some are brought closer. Some move apart.
Do not try to reason it out. Be conscious
of who draws you and who not.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Leaving Behind

Things are not always to leave behind, especially the ones that really matter to you.  Things that I am mentioning here include feelings, possessions, attachments, relationships, habits and much more that we normally get attached to.

Friendship is the attachment that I am in the process of leaving behind currently and believe me it has been the most painful process till date for me.  I am almost done with it, but the experience was not good.  I would never want anybody else to go through it.

I will not mention any details here, but I do not want to forget the friendship and its leaving behind so I put up this post.  I googled up a few images that I can relate with the relationship, here they are.

Image Courtsey:

Image Courtsey: