Monday, July 30, 2012

Quantum Energetics II Experience

I am back today from a Mystical Experience called Quantum Energetics II.  A wonderful weekend with the power-packed atmosphere having energies of the fellow travellers in the spiritual path.

We all were connected some place or the other and therefore we were together at the same place and time experiencing Quantum Energetics II in Mumbai.

Aditi is a great inspiration for all of us.  I love the fact that she drives her sessions intuitively and that is why we feel it is all our own.

I have learnt lots and lots of wonderful tools throughout the weekend and went on with proper practice in between.  I will have a revision of all today evening.. inshallah and start taking in cases.

I am going to enjoy the journey after this experience... It is going to be amazingly different!

Just to add, Aditi's status on FB today:

Deeply moving and intense experiences, meeting with beings from other realms, allowing old patterns to emerge and watching them disappear, expanding into the unlimited beings that we truly are, opening our hearts up to begin living from heart consciousness are just some of the things that happened in the QE level 2 the last weekend! I am touched, moved and inspired by all those who participated.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Getting Ready for QE II

I am extremely excited for the coming two days in my life. 

Guess what?

I am attending Quantum Energetics II this weekend!

I had attended QE I in May and have been experiencing amazing transformations day in and day out.  I am not sure what QE II has in store for me but I am really excited to go into that energetic environment again and put my intent inside for faster faster manifestation.

I know I have to be very careful in choosing the intent, but I will love the play and Zero Point Field – I am sure about it.

Will definitely be posting on this upon return...

Loving and Playing the Knowledge!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Logging Matrix Energetics / Quantum Energetics experiences

I have been considering to implement this thought since last week. The thought for logging the experiences with ME on my blog or ME message board. But somehow, before I sit and log one experience, I go through another wonderful experience/moment.

ME is one of the most wonderful awareness/knowledge I have come across!

I got a call from one of my friends last night. She was asking me about Matrix Energetics. I was just too much excited to talk about ME with her. I shared some of the funniest experiences and we both laughed a lot.

I shared some of the ME videos that I watch repeatedly and told her that I am planning to attend ME in United States shortly. Just need to go through the processing for VISA, tickets and finance! :P

Loving this consciousness and I am just eager to meet Richard. I just want to hug him and laugh out aloud with him standing beside him. 2 pointing the situation :)

Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Balance

I was asked a question yesterday that I could not answer immediately and I had to think on it.  I was surprised at the fact that I could not answer it immediately since the question was “What do you want in your life?”

I have my goals listed in front of me in my bedroom wall.  I read them all, but I could not just say it at the instant.  I thought over it and realized it is because, I am looking for a balance.  A balance between family and my aspirations.

Now the balance is required because, there are more than one persons in the family and everybody has their own aspirations/wishes/desires.  Being a female member, it is expected to support the aspirations of the males – women are the second earners in the family and not preferred as first due to multiple reasons.  It is not fair for women to be considered as the first earner since they have other responsibilities as well. 

Women are expected to change their preference for location of work as per the first earner and if they do not do it – there is no family... I do not want to be a part of such family.

What if the family is expecting her support in fulfilling their own aspirations and are completely unaware of the woman's aspirations in the family?  Do they remain unfulfilled till other aspirations are fulfilled?

I don't know...

This is the question that I am trying to find the answer of.  Of course, for males, it is still critical when their profession is not related to their aspiration, but they do have an option to change the profession.

 A family is a family with a woman – a mother, sister or wife!  Are they even supposed to think about their own aspirations?  The family has to adjust a lot in order to get these done.   Is there any such thing as a balance?  Has any woman achieved a balance between her aspirations and her family?