Monday, May 25, 2015

Every Game Has Rules

Every game has rules that all the players must follow.  The better you understand the rules, it is easier for you to finish the game with flying colors.

Some of you should be getting the message on what game and what rule  I am talking about here.  Yes, it is about life and the rule is Karma.

Imagine you are playing snakes and ladders with your son/daughter for the first time.  You would teach them all the rules of the game, make sure they understand the rules by playing the game with them.  Would you change the rule in the middle of the game?  Most possibly, no.

Would you always win the game with your son/daughter just because you bought the game and you are the one that had explained the rules to him/her?  No, right?

Then why do we start thinking that God or the Almighty should magically help us?  Giving us an understanding of His rules is help.  All we need to do now is follow.  Here is a small example:

Once upon a time there was a very poor man.  He earned very little and had very little to eat every day.  Once he saw a pious man walking.  He called him and requested him to make a request to God on his behalf.  He said, just tell God that please, instead of giving me so little every day, just give me all what I am ought to receive in this life 'all at once'.  The God may then end my life, but please help me reduce this daily suffering by doing this.  The pious man agreed to take his request to God.

The pious man got the chance to talk to God and he presented the request.  The God agreed and gave him a sack full of grains and told the pious man to give this sack to that man and say this is what he has to get the entire life. The pious man did as instructed.

After a few days, the pious man was walking through the same route and he was astonished by what he saw.  He saw that the poor man was alive and more than that, he was not poor anymore.  He was rich, happy and prosperous.  The pious man was puzzled, so he decided to ask God about this. 

He went to God and told him what he saw.  God explained, there are rules.  When you gave that man the single sack of grain, he did not eat it all.  He called all the people around him, shared with them and ate.  He had done good karma.  So, now he deserved the reward and not death.  He, therefore, got more grain.  Again, he did the same thing.  Shared and then consumed. Again he was rewarded.  And, he is still doing the same. :)

Isn't the law just amazing?  This simple story was told to me by a learned man and it has been on my mind since a long long time since then.  I am glad I could put it into words here.  I hope it helps others gain insight as well.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

With Power Comes Responsibility

This is one of the movie quotes that has effectively impregnated my mind.  It is taken from the movie Spiderman, where spiderman is told - "With great power comes great responsibility"

As we watch in the movie, the spiderman is confronted into a situation where he can do something and this situation comes only after he gets the power.  When he ignores doing something about it, he is hurt from inside.  This is the time he realizes that he is being reminded of his responsibility.  This happens to all of us.

If we have a skill or power, we are supposed to use it responsibly and not only for selfish reasons.  Of course, we need to stand up first to pull others up.  If we are aware, we can see that we are put into some situation for a purpose.  We are there for a reason, because we have the ability to do something.

I had a recent similar experience and it kept me thinking for days. 
There is a small medical facility run by local voluntary doctors and nurses where I go to pray every day.  People usually get their blood pressure and sugar checked there so they do not have to go to a doctor or a hospital for that purpose.  Usually any volunteer doctor or nurse present there provides the service.

One fine day, a young guy comes as asks me if I knew some nurse who had come that day.  I said, one of them just left the premise.  He ran to see if she was still at the gate, but unfortunately she had left.  I also went behind him to see if he found her.  I asked him what was the issue, he said, he wanted to get his blood pressure checked.  I could see he was not well.

One of my friends, who has never volunteered at this medical facility, but is a nurse was sitting there waiting for her transport.  I requested her for help and she agreed, but she had no idea where things were kept so I went with her.  I usually do not go to that place if there is some experienced nurse (note this!).

She checked the blood pressure and it was high.  The guy was worried.  My friend advised him to sit and have a glass of water and she would measure it again.  Someone brought some water for him.  By that time, I was standing.  I checked his megmen and it was OA.  I quickly normalized it.

The pressure was checked and guess what - it was normal!  The smile on the guy's face was priceless.  He was so relieved.  I guess, the absence of other nurses was planned.

I monitored his megen for a day and half and it was normal. It was my responsibility that had put me into this situation.  I have never being present in the room while any person's blood pressure was measured in the past, except this day.