Monday, May 13, 2013

New routine new activities

I have been struggling since last few months to put together things that I love in this new life.  Now, I have quite a few things with me, but do not know where to put those in the daily routine.  Common Problem!!!

Today is the day when I am going to list them down and put them in proper place during the day.  Inshallah, I am going to be much better at this than before. :)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Lesson learned the hard way!

When you are into a situation, you never know what to call it.  Only when you are out of it and think about it, you get the proper label or adjective for it.  This is just a random observation on few of the incidences that I have been through.

This new place has taught me a lot and also gave me a lot of opportunities.  One wonderful thing that I learned is that you cannot be selfish with the knowledge you have gained.  I have learned few techniques of Energy Healing, but after marriage I did not use it on anybody except me.  And this was not good!  I was presented with a number of incidences when I could have used them, but I did not.  I just did not feel like.  Although, I used it on myself whenever I required it!

Now I got this horrible cold and fever - first time in almost 10 years.  I took all the medicines, gave myself all the healing.  Nothing helped.  One day - I decided I want the solution to it and talked over to one of my friends who also learned energy healing with me.  On talking to her, I got the insight that I should be using this on somebody other than me and the person has to be informed that I am doing this.  Who else could it be?

My husband, ofcourse!  I sent him the healing and guess what, I am perfectly alright now with the original enthusiasm for life.

This is what I call the lesson learned in a hard way!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Back on the edge, to rock!

I have loved my life with lots of things to do and have a busy day.. a day filled with things I love to do.

I was having fever yesterday and spent almost the entire day in bed... I hated the time.  Now  I am back and back to live life on the edge again.  Started to blog, looked over for new tatting projects, worked on a freelancing project for one of my friends.. feels great!

I am also thinking of writing an ezine and just rock again.  I just feel great when I write up to the satisfaction.  Its all that I feel good inside.

I also want to learn Arabic, get hands on some more of handicrafts and apply for freelancing jobs here in Doha.

Wishing me luck!

Real life... here I come!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Drafts and discards

I have been drafting the post for this blog and discarding since the content expires :)  Now this is not the time I am doing it.

I am taking care of my hobbies recently.  Here are a few glimpses.  More stories coming up.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

After a long long time...

Here I am.. after a long long time having some mood to post on this blog.  I really miss my blog.

Ofcourse, I was going through a lot and there was a reason I could not post.  But, instead of repeating the past over here in the blog, I would just start fresh.

I am married and right now a housewife!  Sounds really funny... but it is the truth.

Currently, I am coping up with some hobbies that were sidetracked due to other priorities at that time.  Now, until other urgent work comes up, I would love to stick to this place and cultivate this hobby of mine..

Enjoying the Love and Grace!